Common LDAP schemas

These schemas are descrided here, as given with the OpenLDAP distribution. This page is a try to give a more usable vision of all attributes and classes available to LDAP developers.


Text with yellow background

Taken from core.schema schema, RFC 2256

Text with blue background Taken from cosine.schema schema, RFC 1274
Text with green background Taken from inetOrgPerson.schema schema, RFC 2798
Italic text Addition/Modification from the RFC definition
Strikethrough text Suppressed from the RFC definition




Attribute Sup/Type Description
objectClass objectIdentifier The values of the objectClass attribute describe the kind of objectwhich an entry represents. The objectClass attribute is present in every entry, with at least two values. One of the values is either "top" or "alias".
aliasedObjectName distinguishedName The aliasedObjectName attribute is used by the directory service if the entry containing this attribute is an alias.
knowledgeInformation caseIgnore This attribute is no longer used.
cn, commonName name This is the X.500 commonName attribute, which contains a name of an object. If the object corresponds to a person, it is typically the person's full name.
sn, surname name This is the X.500 surname attribute, which contains the family name of a person.
serialNumber caseIgnore This attribute contains the serial number of a device.
c, countryName name This attribute contains a two-letter ISO 3166 country code.
l, localityName
name This attribute contains the name of a locality, such as a city, county or other geographic region.
st, stateOrProvinceName name This attribute contains the full name of a state or province.
street, streetAddress caseIgnore This attribute contains the physical address of the object to which the entry corresponds, such as an address for package delivery.
o, organizationName name This attribute contains the name of an organization.
ou, organizationalUnitName name This attribute contains the name of an organizational unit.
name This attribute contains the title, such as "Vice President", of a person in their organizational context. The "personalTitle" attribute would be used for a person's title independent of their job function.
description caseIgnore This attribute contains a human-readable description of the object.
searchGuide ? This attribute is for use by X.500 clients in constructing search filters. It is obsoleted by enhancedSearchGuide.
businessCategory caseIgnore This attribute describes the kind of business performed by an organization.
postalAddress caseIgnoreList  
postalCode caseIgnore  
postOfficeBox caseIgnore  
physicalDeliveryOfficeName caseIgnore  
telephoneNumber telephoneNumber  
telexNumber ?  
teletexTerminalIdentifier ?  
facsimileTelephoneNumber ?  
x121Address numericString  
internationaliSDNNumber numericString  
registeredAddress postalAddress This attribute holds a postal address suitable for reception of telegrams or expedited documents, where it is necessary to have the recipient accept delivery.
destinationIndicator caseIgnore This attribute is used for the telegram service.
preferredDeliveryMethod ?  
presentationAddress presentationAddress This attribute contains an OSI presentation address.
supportedApplicationContext objectIdentifier This attribute contains the identifiers of OSI application contexts.
member distinguishedName  
owner distinguishedName  
roleOccupant distinguishedName  
seeAlso distinguishedName  
userPassword octetString Passwords are stored using an Octet String syntax and are not encrypted. Transfer of cleartext passwords are strongly discouraged where the underlying transport service cannot guarantee confidentiality and may result in disclosure of the password to unauthorized parties.
userCertificate ? This attribute is to be stored and requested in the binary form, as 'userCertificate;binary'.
cACertificate ? This attribute is to be stored and requested in the binary form, as 'cACertificate;binary'.
authorityRevocationList ? This attribute is to be stored and requested in the binary form, as 'authorityRevocationList;binary'.
certificateRevocationList ? This attribute is to be stored and requested in the binary form, as 'certificateRevocationList;binary'.
crossCertificatePair ? This attribute is to be stored and requested in the binary form, as 'crossCertificatePair;binary'.
name caseIgnoreMatch The name attribute type is the attribute supertype from which string attribute types typically used for naming may be formed. It is unlikely that values of this type itself will occur in an entry. LDAP server implementations which do not support attribute subtyping need not recognize this attribute in requests. Client implementations MUST NOT assume that LDAP servers are capable of performing attribute subtyping.
givenName name The givenName attribute is used to hold the part of a person's name which is not their surname nor middle name.
initials name The initials attribute contains the initials of some or all of an individuals names, but not the surname(s).
generationQualifier name The generationQualifier attribute contains the part of the name which typically is the suffix, as in "IIIrd".
x500UniqueIdentifier bitString The x500UniqueIdentifier attribute is used to distinguish between objects when a distinguished name has been reused. This is a different attribute type from both the "uid" and "uniqueIdentifier" types.
dnQualifier caseIgnore The dnQualifier attribute type specifies disambiguating information to add to the relative distinguished name of an entry. It is intended for use when merging data from multiple sources in order to prevent conflicts between entries which would otherwise have the same name. It is recommended that the value of the dnQualifier attribute be the same for all entries from a particular source.
enhancedSearchGuide ? This attribute is for use by X.500 clients in constructing search filters.
protocolInformation protocolInformation This attribute is used in conjunction with the presentationAddress attribute, to provide additional information to the OSI network service.
distinguishedName distinguishedName This attribute type is not used as the name of the object itself, but it is instead a base type from which attributes with DN syntax inherit.

It is unlikely that values of this type itself will occur in an entry. LDAP server implementations which do not support attribute subtyping need not recognize this attribute in requests. Client implementations MUST NOT assume that LDAP servers are capable ofperforming attribute subtyping.

uniqueMember uniqueMember  
houseIdentifier caseIgnore This attribute is used to identify a building within a location.
supportedAlgorithms ? This attribute is to be stored and requested in the binary form, as 'supportedAlgorithms;binary'.
deltaRevocationList ? This attribute is to be stored and requested in the binary form, as 'deltaRevocationList;binary'.
dmdName ? The value of this attribute specifies a directory management domain (DMD), the administrative authority which operates the directory server.
dc, domainComponent caseIgnoreIA5String The Domain Component attribute type specifies a DNS/NRS domain. For example, "uk" or "ac". RFC 1274 + RFC 2247
mail, rfc822Mailbox caseIgnoreIA5String The RFC822 Mailbox attribute type specifies an electronic mailbox attribute following the syntax specified in RFC 822. Note that this attribute should not be used for greybook or other non-Internet order mailboxes. RFC 1274
uid, userid caseIgnoreString The Userid attribute type specifies a computer system login name. RFC 1274
labeledURI caseExactIA5 RFC2079: Uniform Resource Identifier with optional label
textEncodedORAddress caseIgnoreString The Text Encoded O/R Address attribute type specifies a text encoding of an X.400 O/R address, as specified in RFC 987. The use of this attribute is deprecated as the attribute is intended for interim use only. This attribute will be the first candidate for the attribute expiry mechanisms!
info caseIgnoreString The Information attribute type specifies any general information pertinent to an object. It is recommended that specific usage of this attribute type is avoided, and that specific requirements are met by other (possibly additional) attribute types.
favouriteDrink caseIgnoreString The Favourite Drink attribute type specifies the favourite drink of an object (or person).
roomNumber caseIgnoreString The Room Number attribute type specifies the room number of an object. Note that the commonName attribute should be used for naming room objects.
photo g3-facsimile

The Photo attribute type specifies a "photograph" for an object. This should be encoded in G3 fax as explained in recommendation T.4, with an ASN.1 wrapper to make it compatible with an X.400 BodyPart as defined in X.420.

userClass caseIgnoreString The User Class attribute type specifies a category of computer user. The semantics placed on this attribute are for local interpretation. Examples of current usage od this attribute in academia are undergraduate student, researcher, lecturer, etc. Note that the organizationalStatus attribute may now often be preferred as it makes no distinction between computer users and others.
host caseIgnoreString The Host attribute type specifies a host computer.
manager distinguishedName The Manager attribute type specifies the manager of an object represented by an entry.
documentIdentifier caseIgnoreString The Document Identifier attribute type specifies a unique identifier for a document.
documentTitle caseIgnoreString The Document Title attribute type specifies the title of a document.
documentVersion caseIgnoreString The Document Version attribute type specifies the version number of a document.
documentAuthor distinguishedName The Document Author attribute type specifies the distinguished name of the author of a document.
documentLocation caseIgnoreString The Document Location attribute type specifies the location of the document original.
homeTelephoneNumber telephoneNumberSyntax The Home Telephone Number attribute type specifies a home telephone number associated with a person. Attribute values should follow the agreed format for international telephone numbers: i.e., "+44 71 123 4567".
secretary distinguishedName The Secretary attribute type specifies the secretary of a person. The attribute value for Secretary is a distinguished name.
otherMailbox SEQUENCE {
mailboxType PrintableString, -- e.g. Telemail
mailbox IA5String -- e.g. X378:Joe
The Other Mailbox attribute type specifies values for electronic mailbox types other than X.400 and rfc822
lastModifiedTime uTCTime The Last Modified Time attribute type specifies the last time, in UTC time, that an entry was modified. Ideally, this attribute should be maintained by the Directory System Agent (DSA).
lastModifiedBy distinguishedName The Last Modified By attribute specifies the distinguished name of the last user to modify the associated entry. Ideally, this attribute should be maintained by the Directory System Agent (DSA).
aRecord DNSRecord The A Record attribute type specifies a type A (Address) DNS resource record.
mXRecord DNSRecord The MX Record attribute type specifies a type MX (Mail Exchange) DNS resource record.
nSRecord DNSRecord The NS Record attribute type specifies an NS (Name Server) DNS resource record.
sOARecord DNSRecord The SOA Record attribute type specifies a type SOA (Start of Authority) DNS resorce record.
cNAMERecord iA5String The CNAME Record attribute type specifies a type CNAME (Canonical Name) DNS resource record.
associatedDomain caseIgnoreIA5String The Associated Domain attribute type specifies a DNS or NRS domain which is associated with an object in the Directory Information Tree (DIT). For example, the entry in the Directory Information Tree (DIT) with a distinguished name "C=GB, O=University College London" would have an associated domain of "UCL.AC.UK. Note that all domains should be represented in rfc822 order.
associatedName distinguishedName The Associated Name attribute type specifies an entry in the organisational Directory Information Tree (DIT) associated with a DNS/NRS domain.
homePostalAddress postalAddress The Home postal address attribute type specifies a home postal address for an object. This should be limited to up to 6 lines of 30 characters each.
personalTitle caseIgnoreString The Personal Title attribute type specifies a personal title for a person. Examples of personal titles are "Ms", "Dr", "Prof" and "Rev".
mobileTelephoneNumber telephoneNumber The Mobile Telephone Number attribute type specifies a mobile telephone number associated with a person. Attribute values should follow the agreed format for international telephone numbers: i.e., "+44 71 123 4567".
pagerTelephoneNumber telephoneNumber The Pager Telephone Number attribute type specifies a pager telephone number for an object. Attribute values should follow the agreed format for international telephone numbers: i.e., "+44 71 123 4567".
friendlyCountryName caseIgnoreString The Friendly Country Name attribute type specifies names of countries in human readable format. The standard attribute country name must be one of the two-letter codes defined in ISO 3166.
uniqueIdentifier caseIgnoreString The Unique Identifier attribute type specifies a "unique identifier" for an object represented in the Directory. The domain within which the identifier is unique, and the exact semantics of the identifier, are for local definition. For a person, this might be an institution-wide payroll number. For an organisational unit, it might be a department code.
organizationalStatus caseIgnoreString The Organisational Status attribute type specifies a category by which a person is often referred to in an organisation. Examples of usage in academia might include undergraduate student, researcher, lecturer, etc.
janetMailbox caseIgnoreIA5String The Janet Mailbox attribute type specifies an electronic mailbox attribute following the syntax specified in the Grey Book of the Coloured Book series. This attribute is intended for the convenience of U.K users unfamiliar with rfc822 and little-endian mail addresses. Entries using this attribute MUST also include an rfc822Mailbox attribute.
mailPreferenceOption 'no-list-inclusion', 'any-list-inclusion', 'professional-list-inclusion' An attribute to allow users to indicate a preference for inclusion of their names on mailing lists (electronic or physical). The absence of such an attribute should be interpreted as if the attribute was present with value "no-list-inclusion". This attribute should be interpreted by anyone using the directory to derive mailing lists, and its value respected.
buildingName caseIgnoreString The Building Name attribute type specifies the name of the building where an organisation or organisational unit is based.
dSAQuality DSAQuality The DSA Quality attribute type specifies the purported quality of a Directory System Agent (DSA). It allows a DSA manager to indicate the expected level of availability of the DSA.
singleLevelQuality DataQuality The Single Level Quality attribute type specifies the purported data quality at the level immediately below in the Directory Information Tree (DIT).
subtreeMinimumQuality DataQuality The Subtree Minimum Quality attribute type specifies the purported minimum data quality for a Directory Information Tree (DIT) subtree.
subtreeMaximumQuality DataQuality The Subtree Maximum Quality attribute type specifies the purported maximum data quality for a Directory Information Tree (DIT) subtree.
personalSignature g3-facsimile The Personal Signature attribute type allows for a representation of a person's signature. This should be encoded in G3 fax as explained in recommendation T.4, with an ASN.1 wrapper to make it compatible with an X.400 BodyPart as defined in X.420.
dITRedirect distinguishedName The Directory Information Tree (DIT) Redirect attribute type is used to indicate that the object described by one entry now has a newer entry in the Directory Information Tree (DIT). The entry containing the redirection attribute should be expired after a suitable grace period. This attribute may be used when an individual changes his/her place of work, and thus acquires a new organisational DN.
audio audio The Audio attribute type allows the storing of sounds in the Directory. The attribute uses a u-law encoded sound file as used by the "play" utility on a Sun 4. This is an interim format.
documentPublisher caseIgnoreString The Publisher of Document attribute is the person and/or organization that published a document.
carLicense caseIgnore This multivalued field is used to record the values of the license or registration plate associated with an individual.
departmentNumber caseIgnore Code for department to which a person belongs. This can also be strictly numeric (e.g., 1234) or alphanumeric (e.g., ABC/123).
displayName caseIgnore When displaying an entry, especially within a one-line summary list, it is useful to be able to identify a name to be used. Since other attribute types such as 'cn' are multivalued, an additional attribute type is needed. Display name is defined for this purpose.
employeeNumber caseIgnore Numeric or alphanumeric identifier assigned to a person, typically based on order of hire or association with an organization. Single valued.
employeeType caseIgnore Used to identify the employer to employee relationship. Typical values used will be "Contractor", "Employee", "Intern", "Temp", "External", and "Unknown" but any value may be used.
jpegPhoto   Used to store one or more images of a person using the JPEG File Interchange Format [JFIF].
preferredLanguage caseIgnore Used to indicate an individual's preferred written or spoken language. This is useful for international correspondence or human-computer interaction. Values for this attribute type MUST conform to the definition of the Accept-Language header field defined in [RFC2068] with one exception: the sequence "Accept-Language" ":" should be omitted. This is a single valued attribute type.
userSMIMECertificate   A PKCS#7 [RFC2315] SignedData, where the content that is signed is ignored by consumers of userSMIMECertificate values. It is recommended that values have a `contentType' of data with an absent `content' field. Values of this attribute contain a person's entire certificate chain and an smimeCapabilities field [RFC2633] that at a minimum describes their SMIME algorithm capabilities. Values for this attribute are to be stored and requested in binary form, as 'userSMIMECertificate;binary'. If available, this attribute is preferred over the userCertificate attribute for S/MIME applications.
userPKCS12   PKCS #12 provides a format for exchange of personal identity information. When such information is stored in a directory service, the userPKCS12 attribute should be used. This attribute is to be stored and requested in binary form, as 'userPKCS12;binary'. The attribute values are PFX PDUs stored as binary data.

Object Classes

ObjectClass Subclass of Required Attributes Optional Attributes Description
alias top    
country top  
locality top    
organization top  
organizationalUnit top  
person top  
organizationalPerson person    
organizationalRole top  
groupOfNames top  
residentialPerson person  
applicationProcess top  
applicationEntity top  
dSA applicationEntity    
device top  
strongAuthenticationUser top    
certificationAuthority top  
groupOfUniqueNames top  
userSecurityInformation top    
certificationAuthority-V2 certificationAuthority    
cRLDistributionPoint top  
dmd top  
dcObject top   RFC 2247
uidObject top   RFC 2377
labeledURIObject top   RFC2079: object that contains the URI attribute type
pilotObject top   The PilotObject object class is used as a sub-class to allow some common, useful attributes to be assigned to entries of all other object classes.

pilotPerson, newPilotPerson

person   The PilotPerson object class is used as a sub-class of person, to allow the use of a number of additional attributes to be assigned to entries of object class person.
account top The Account object class is used to define entries representing computer accounts. The userid attribute should be used for naming entries of this object class.
document top The Document object class is used to define entries which represent documents.
room top The Room object class is used to define entries representing rooms. The commonName attribute should be used for naming pentries of this object class.
documentSeries top The Document Series object class is used to define an entry which represents a series of documents (e.g., The Request For Comments papers).
domain top The Domain object class is used to define entries which represent DNS or NRS domains. The domainComponent attribute should be used for naming entries of this object class.
rFC822localPart domain   The RFC822 Local Part object class is used to define entries which represent the local part of RFC822 mail addresses. This treats this part of an RFC822 address as a domain.
dNSDomain domain   The DNS Domain (Domain NameServer) object class is used to define entries for DNS domains.
domainRelatedObject top   The Domain Related Object object class is used to define entries which represent DNS/NRS domains which are "equivalent" to an X.500 domain: e.g., an organisation or organisational unit.
friendlyCountry country   The Friendly Country object class is used to define country entries in the Directory Information Tree (DIT). The object class is used to allow friendlier naming of countries than that allowed by the object class country. The naming attribute of object class country, countryName, has to be a 2 letter string defined in ISO 3166.
simpleSecurityObject top   The Simple Security Object object class is used to allow an entry to have a userPassword attribute when an entry's principal object classes do not allow userPassword as an attribute type.
pilotOrganization organization, organizationalUnit   The PilotOrganization object class is used as a sub-class of organization and organizationalUnit to allow a number of additional attributes to be assigned to entries of object classes organization and organizationalUnit.
pilotDSA dsa   The PilotDSA object class is used as a sub-class of the dsa object class to allow additional attributes to be assigned to entries for Directory System Agents (DSAs).
qualityLabelledData top The Quality Labelled Data object class is used to allow the assignment of the data quality attributes to subtrees in the Directory Information Tree (DIT).
inetOrgPerson organizationalPerson   The inetOrgPerson represents people who are associated with an organization in some way. It is a structural class and is derived from the organizationalPerson class which is defined in X.521.