Fighting image spam on our Debian spamfilter with FuzzyOcr and ImageInfo plugins

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Thanks to Robert LeBlanc and this excellent guide.

Image spam is rather difficult to deal with. FuzzyOcr has helped me do so. Of course, running an OCR scanner on images contained in messages will slow down the spam scanning process (considerably in some cases), but for me this is not a problem, just be aware of it. I document my installation of FuzzyOcr here. I will assume you have at least testing and stable sources listed in /etc/apt/sources.list, and 'stable' has top priority in /etc/apt/preferences and you are able to compile programs from source (but of course there is no reason you could not install this stuff on an Etch or Sid system). You need to be at SpamAssassin version 3.1.1 or greater to use these plugins. Consider installing SpamAssassin from sarge-backports if you are trying to keep your system 'stable'. You can possibly install SpamAssassin from 'testing' without upgrading to the testing versions of libc6 or Perl or the Kernel by using the form 'apt-get install spamassassin/testing'. Using this form should install dependencies from 'stable'. Simulate it first with 'apt-get -s install [...]'. In order to prevent accidental upgrades when running 'apt-get upgrade' you might also consider putting the package on hold if you use this method:
echo "spamassassin hold" | dpkg --set-selections

One of the programs we need is not available in the stable release, so we will install from testing. First test that installing libimage-exiftool-perl will not install libc6 or related programs:

apt-get update
apt-get -s install libimage-exiftool-perl/testing

If libimage-exiftool-perl is the only thing that will be installed, then install it. If it is not, and you are trying to keep your system stable, then contact me before you continue:
apt-get install libimage-exiftool-perl/testing

See what version you have:
dpkg -l libimage-exiftool-perl

If your version is less than 6.36-1, patch ExifTool:
cd /usr/share/perl5/Image/ExifTool/
patch -b < patch-GIF-Colortable

To prevent future accidental upgrades during 'apt-get upgrade', place the libimage-exiftool-perl package on hold:
echo "libimage-exiftool-perl hold" | dpkg --set-selections

You should not have both giflib-bin and libungif installed. Simulate removing giflib-bin:
apt-get -s remove giflib-bin

If it's not installed, then you can move on. If it's the only thing that will be removed, then remove it:
apt-get remove giflib-bin

Download, extract, patch, compile and install libungif:
cd /usr/local/src
tar xzvf libungif-4.1.4.tar.gz
cd libungif-4.1.4/util
patch giftext.c < giftext-segfault.patch
cd ..
./configure --prefix=/usr && make && make install

Continue to install other required programs:
apt-get install libnetpbm10-dev netpbm giflib3g-dev libimage-exif-perl libstring-approx-perl
apt-get install imagemagick libjpeg-progs

Download, extract, patch, compile and install gocr:
cd /usr/local/src
tar xzvf gocr-0.40.tar.gz
cd gocr-0.40/src
patch pgm2asc.c < patch-gocr-segfault
cd ..
./configure --prefix=/usr && make && make install

Grab an image from me and run a test:
giftopnm image001.gif > image001.pnm
gocr image001.pnm

The beginning of the output should look something like this:
Run another test. The result should be roughly the same, but this time you should not get error messages from giftopnm:
giffix image001.gif > image001.fixed
giftopnm image001.fixed > image001.pnm
gocr image001.pnm

Visit and see what the latest version of FuzzyOcr is (this document is based on 2.3b dated 29-Aug-2006), then modify the lines below if needed. If you install a different version than what I have listed below, then the instructions could differ considerably. Begin by locating the /Plugin/ directory used by SpamAssassin:
locate /SpamAssassin/Plugin

If you installed SpamAssassin using apt-get, the /Plugin directory should be /usr/share/perl5/Mail/SpamAssassin/Plugin. If yours is different, you will need to modify the commands below.
cd /usr/local/src/
tar xzvf fuzzyocr-2.3b.tar.gz
cd FuzzyOcr-2.3b

We will use a new patch Robert LeBlanc created for this particular version of FuzzyOcr.
patch < fuzzyocr-23b-hashdb-poison.patch

Then place the files:
cp /usr/share/perl5/Mail/SpamAssassin/Plugin/
cp /etc/spamassassin/
cp FuzzyOcr.words.sample /etc/spamassassin/FuzzyOcr.words

Edit v310.pre and add the plugin:
vi /etc/spamassassin/v310.pre

and insert (at the bottom):
loadplugin FuzzyOcr /usr/share/perl5/Mail/SpamAssassin/Plugin/

vi /etc/spamassassin/

comment out the first line (the one that loads the plugin):
#loadplugin FuzzyOcr
If (and only if) you are using a version of SpamAssassin less than 3.1.4, uncomment this line and set the value to 1.0:
focr_pre314 1.0
Set focr_base_score to 2 (this is my personal choice):
focr_base_score 2
Only while we test, set focr_autodisable_score to 50:
focr_autodisable_score 50

Save and exit the file, then we test. Start by linting spamassassin:
spamassassin --lint

Once you have resolved any (serious) lint errors, we do some more testing. This assumes you are still in the /usr/local/src/fuzzyocr-2.3b directory:
cd samples
spamassassin -t < animated-gif.eml

I got:
  19 FUZZY_OCR              BODY: Mail contains an image with common spam text inside
                            Words found:
                            "alert" in 4 lines
                            "charts" in 1 lines
                            "symbol" in 1 lines
                            "alert" in 4 lines
                            "stock" in 2 lines
                            "company" in 3 lines
                            "trade" in 1 lines
                            "xanax" in 1 lines
                            "meridia" in 1 lines
                            "growth" in 1 lines
                            (19 word occurrences found)
If you did not get something similar, check the log for the last error message (if any).
For example, on a low powered machine you may have to increase focr_timeout in /etc/spamassassin/

cat /etc/spamassassin/FuzzyOcr.log

Ideally, FuzzyOcr.log will not exist. Continue on to the next test:
spamassassin -t < corrupted-gif.eml

I got:
 1.5 FUZZY_OCR_WRONG_CTYPE  BODY: Mail contains an image with wrong
                            content-type set
                            Image has format "GIF" but content-type is
 2.5 FUZZY_OCR_CORRUPT_IMG  BODY: Mail contains a corrupted image
                            Corrupt image: GIF-LIB error: Image is
                            defective, decoding aborted.
  10 FUZZY_OCR              BODY: Mail contains an image with common spam text inside
                            Words found:
                            "alert" in 1 lines
                            "alert" in 1 lines
                            "stock" in 2 lines
                            "investor" in 1 lines
                            "company" in 1 lines
                            "trade" in 1 lines
                            "target" in 1 lines
                            "service" in 1 lines
                            "recommendation" in 1 lines
                            (10 word occurrences found)
Continue on to the next test (make sure your focr_autodisable_score is 50):
spamassassin -t < jpeg.eml

I got:
 4.0 FUZZY_OCR              BODY: Mail contains an image with common spam text inside
                            Words found:
                            "viagra" in 2 lines
                            "cialis" in 1 lines
                            "levitra" in 1 lines
                            (4 word occurrences found)
Continue on to the next test
(if this one fails, read

spamassassin -t < png.eml

I got:
  28 FUZZY_OCR              BODY: Mail contains an image with common spam text inside
                            Words found:
                            "alert" in 2 lines
                            "news" in 2 lines
                            "symbol" in 1 lines
                            "alert" in 2 lines
                            "stock" in 1 lines
                            "investor" in 3 lines
                            "company" in 2 lines
                            "buy" in 1 lines
                            "price" in 2 lines
                            "trade" in 2 lines
                            "target" in 2 lines
                            "service" in 2 lines
                            "recommendation" in 1 lines
                            "levitra" in 1 lines
                            "software" in 2 lines
                            (26 word occurrences found)
Edit and set focr_autodisable_score score back to a more reasonable level:
vi /etc/spamassassin/

I set the focr_autodisable_score to the same value as my $sa_kill_level_deflt in amavisd.conf:
focr_autodisable_score 8

Reload amavisd-new (or spamd if you are using that):
amavisd-new reload

And keep an eye on the mail.log for a while:
tail -f /var/log/mail.log

If you upgrade to SpamAssassin 3.1.4 or newer from an older 3.1.x version, remember to set focr_pre314 to 0.0

Now we will install another plugin. This one is from SARE Once again, navigate to your Plugin directory and grab the plugin:
cd /usr/share/perl5/Mail/SpamAssassin/Plugin

Also get the configuration file:
cd /etc/spamassassin/

Edit v310.pre:
vi v310.pre

and insert (at the bottom):
loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::ImageInfo

Edit and lower any scores that are 3.0 or more to half their value. This is to help prevent false positives:

Save and exit the file, and of course, lint spamassassin:
spamassassin --lint

and reload amavisd-new (or spamd if you are using that):
amavisd-new reload

mr88talent at yahoo dot com