>fcp stats vtic
( virtual target interconnect adapter )
>fcp stats 5a
>sysstat –f 1
Igroup show
Lun show –m
Lun show -v
/usr/sbin/lpfc/lputil - to verify the bindings
/opt/NTAPsanlun/bin/create_binding.pl –l root –n <filer ip>
/kernel/drv/sd.conf (make sure that target id and adapters are here)
Lputilnt - utility from windows host attach kit from Netapp
#san lun show
#devfsadm - to allow discovery of the new lun
#newfs /dev/rdsk/c1t1d0s6
#sanlun fcp show adapter –v
#reboot -- -r
Igroup bind <initiator group> <portset>
Igroup unbind <initiator>
C:\> vssadmin list shadows
C:\> vssadmin list writers
C:\> vssadmin list providers
Lun create
Lun setup
Lun show –m, -v
Lun stat –a –o –i 2
Lun destroy -f < lun path > ( the –f command destroy the lun even if
it is mapped )
lun move
lun map | unmap <lun path><initiator group>[<lun ID>]
lun online
priv set diag
lun geometry
SNAP drive LUN creation process
1. create qtree
2. share qtree
3. create lun – snap drive can be used – so that lun is created inside qtree
(if qtree is not set properly, cannot access cifs shares – access denied error message happens )
LUN restore from snapshot (snap restore of lun – snap restore licensing req )
Filer > snap restore –t file –S snap1 /vol/lunvol/lun1/lun1.lun
Q asked – Choose Y ; Proceed => Y
Filer> lun unmap <lun path> <initiator group>
Filer > lun map <lun path> <initiator group> [lin id]
Filer > lun online <lun path>
When volume, qtree,files their space reserve is disabled by default, to change this – we must do:
Vol options vol1 create_reserved on | off
Lun create –o noreserve -f ( overrides the default settings on the
volume , including the file level )
lun set reservation
Solaris lun increase
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rdsk/clt0d1s2 count=1 bs=512
#format clt0d1
Snapshot of LUN
Rws is the file created when snapshot of LUN is taken. 124 event ID is generated by SnapDrive. When deletion of this snapshot LUN is tried 134 is created as well. When there is busy snapshot, other snapshot may hang and 134 is also generated
124 - > 249 - > 134 can be seen
( must see kb2370)
NDMP copy of LUN
Ndmpcopy –da root:netapp /vol/vol0/lun/test.lun
( lun files can only be restored to either root volume or qtree root directories )
( Also, when the lun is copied, it may not be full, so it my go fast while copying )
After this – on destination :
Dest filer > reallocate start –o –n lunpath
LUN backup from snapmirrored volume
1. on both source and destination create_upcode, convert_upcode ON
2. from destination filer : snapmirror update [options] <dest_filer : dest_vol>
3. On the source filer : lun share <lun path> read
4. run snapmirror update command
iscsi show interface
iswt interface show iswta --- shows sessions and its initiator information
( iscsi software target )
iscsi show initiator
iscsi stats
sysstat –i 1
iscsi config
iscsi status - to make sure that iscsi is running, also check that
iscsi licensing is enable at filer
iscsi windows troubleshooting
iscsicli – command line version from Microsoft
SuSe iscsi LUN setup – Chap authentication
1. filer > iscsi security generate
2. filer> iscsi security add –I initiator –s method –p password –n inname [ -o outpassword –m outname]
( particular initiator connection )
Filer > iscsi seurity default –s method –p inpassword –n inname [-o outpassword –m outname ]
( any initiator connection ) [[ only this one works]]
1. filer > iscsi config
2. linux # /etc/iscsi.conf
3. linux # /etc/fstab.iscsi
4. linux # uname –r
5. linux # cat /etc/issue
6. filer > iscsi show initiator
7. filer > iscsi security show
8. linux # cat /etc/initiatorname.iscsi
Iscsi private network connection
Filer> iswt interface show
Filer> iscsi show adapter
Filer> iswt session show –v iswta
( will show tcp connection – ip addresses or )
Now to change this to use private network only
a.Snapdrive -> iscsi management -> disconnect
b. From filer disable iscsi on public nic
iswa disable adapter < >
c. Then reconnect and use prive ip from snap drive
Space Reservation
Df -r
Hourly snapshot create failed kb 4764
See Time Deamond at Filer General as well
to see snapshots by windows client
check two things
a. vol options vol0
nosnap = off, nosnapdir = off < default >
These should be off , when turned ON, cifs
windows client cannot access this and restore,
they can see it
b. options cifs
cifs.show_snapshot ON
To get access of \\<ip of filer>\vol0\.snapshot - from
windows cifs access host
vol0 must be shared, otherwise cannot access
Nfs snapshot
.snapshot directory is shown only at the mount point, although it actually exists in every directory in the tree
Cifs snapshot
.snapshot directory appears only at the root of the shared.
Priv set advanced
Snap status
( blocked owned = x 4K = )
Snap list
(generally snap reserve is 20 % )
Solaris troubleshotting for lun
Solaris_info [-d <directory name>][-n<name>]
Snap Drive troubleshotting tool
Snapdrive snapshot lun restore from mirror site
1. Break mirror
2. Check that lun is online
3. if using by terminal services and ge the Failure in Checking Policies error , Errro Code : 13040, then log off, and log back in or if this does not work, reboot the windows host.
Single File Snap Restore ( SFSR ) is done before snapdrive makes the connection. During this time snap drive virtually does not work and issues 13040 error.